Axis Alternative Investments | Managed Futures

Managed Futures

A managed futures account is an investment portfolio that includes futures and commodity investments. The account is funded by an individual, but managed by an investing professional, such as a broker. At Axis Alternative Investments , our professionals are committed to helping investors achieve portfolio diversification. We provide them with access to our network of hand picked CTA’s and assist with research and analysis tools on strategic investments, including asset allocation, balancing and optimization strategies.

Managed futures can be a valuable tool adding to the diversification of your portfolio. They can significantly reduce volatility and achieve potentially higher overall performance than traditional investment portfolios

Managed Futures

What are the benefits of managed futures?

  • Potential for enhanced portfolio returns
  • Liquidity facilitates easy entry and exit of market positions
  • Transaction costs lower than those of comparable cash markets
  • Opportunity for reduced portfolio risk
  • Ability to be successful in any economic environment
  • Opportunity to participate easily in global markets
  • Potential tax benefits versus stocks

Our team will utilize in-depth statistical research and experience to help find the right combination of CTA’s for your portfolio. We provide you with reports to help you in evaluating these traders upon request basis

Ready To Consider A Managed Trading Account?